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(5) Auth Florence Intercom Systems
2110 Auth Florence Apartment Intercom Suite Station, Has Been Discontinued
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2110 Auth Florence Apartment Intercom Suite Station, With Emergency Call Switch
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2110 Auth Florence Apartment Intercom Suite Station, Has Been Discontinued
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2110 (2110) Auth Florence Bi-Directional Intercom With Emergency Switch System is designed for new construction of up to 1000 apartments. The bi-directional system is recommended for senior citizens and handicapped housing because a single button on the apartment station operates the talk and listen functions simultaneously. Additional push buttons can be added to the 2110 stations and used to call remote building locations. System Operation - The Auth Florence Bi-Directional System allows two-way conversation between an apartment and a building entrance. The visitor initiates a call using a push button on the lobby panel. The tenant uses the talk button on the apartment station to communicate with the visitor. Pushing the door button allows the tenant to let the visitor into the building. The Emergency switch located on the face plate can be activated by pulling on the floor-length cord with a pendant to sound the emergency alert.
Wiring Requirements - Five common wires and one unique signal wire.
Dimensions: 7-3/4"Height, 5" Width.
Mounting: Two gang electric box or to wall surface.
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